About us

Deeper Still offers weekend retreats and resources to support individuals healing from the emotional and spiritual effects of abortion.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide safe and confidential environments for individuals affected abortion to find healing and lasting freedom through Christ. We understand your pain and are committed to walking alongside you, guided by God’s love and grace, on your journey toward spiritual and emotional restoration.

We have been where you are. We have walked in your shoes.​ We're here to walk with you on your journey of healing.

Guiding Principals


As a Christ-centered ministry, prayer and worship form the foundation of all we do, directing and enriching every aspect of our retreats.

Word & Spirit

At our retreats, we incorporate the teaching of Scripture and embrace the guidance of the Holy Spirit to foster deep healing. 


We believe that healing and lasting freedom are found through the atoning work of Jesus on the cross,  the core truth of our healing model.

Journey To Healing


Healing is never meant to be a solitary journey. Where fear and shame from abortion lead to isolation, confession and healing bring connection. Through Deeper Still, women and men find a safe, stabilizing community that extends far beyond the weekend retreat.


The Deeper Still team is a group of individuals who have experienced profound healing in their own lives and are devoted to helping others find the same life-changing freedom in Christ. Our ministry team is committed to praying for you and walking with you every step of the way on your journey toward healing.


Abortion can deeply wound the core of a person’s identity, impacting both women and men in profound ways. Deeper Still retreats address these wounds, guiding individuals through restoring their sense of dignity, reclaiming their femininity or masculinity, healing from the pain of loss, and rediscover their spiritual identity.


Healing from the guilt, shame, and fear of an abortion-wounded heart is possible, and it transforms everything. Just as the pain of abortion affects whole families, so does the healing. When we experience freedom, it creates a ripple effect that touches those around us, bringing restoration and renewal to everyone connected.


Empowerment is at the heart of our mission, as each participant is encouraged to become advocates, not only for the unborn but also for those healing from the wounds of abortion, as well. Deep healing cultivates the kind of advocacy that uplifts individuals and inspires transformative change for families and society as a whole.


Do you have an abortion wounded heart?

If you have an abortion-wounded heart, you may experience symptoms such as guilt, fear, sadness, and shame, alongside emotional numbness and loneliness. Additional signs can include anxiety, depression, marital stress, and struggles with anger, addiction, or suicidal thoughts.

Are you ready to start your journey?

There is hope and there is healing. Jesus loved you enough to die so that you could live a full and beautiful life free from the shame and pain that can follow an abortion. Join us as we support and love each other on that journey.

Are men affected by abortion?

Yes. We know the cultural conversation around abortion largely centers on women, but men are deeply and uniquely affected by abortion. Our retreats are open to both men and women directly or indirectly affected by abortion and are designed to guide individuals through the needs of their unique healing journey.